Climate in the Arab world
Climate in the Arab world
The climate of the Arab world:Associated climate of the Arab world in general Mediterranean climate, a subtropical climate hot and dry in most parts of the summer and his winter cool in general, and sometimes rainy, and shows the difference between summer and winter extreme elements of other climate., As we find that the privacy of the Mediterranean climate Taatkhalkhal from one place to another, In addition, we find that the Arab region has areas where the rainy summer, and this is the antithesis of the Mediterranean climate, and embodied Rain Summer in certain areas include wing east and west. these two photos which illustrate the north and south of it overlap with a large area and the middle class is in the territory of a desert climate.
Climate:Active astronomer affected by climate where they can distinguish the following regions:Desert climate: occupies 80% of the total area, which includes the bulk of space and the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan and North as well as the Sahara, which covers most of the area of the Maghreb.Mediterranean climate: prevails overlooking the coast and nearby areas of the Mediterranean and Bladaham and northern Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.Equateur province: prevail in Somalia.Orbital region: Eritrea, Djibouti, Yemen, Comoros and southwest Saudi Arabia and some parts of the Sultanate of Oman.
Site astronomer of the Arab nation:Atazzbamtdadeh longitudinal between longitudes 60 east and 17 west and is thus contain more regions of the world continental it almost disappear the bodies of water on the extensibility of North and South had previously referred to the northern extension of the south of the Arab nation, a 5.37 in the north and two south, however, and the east and west, and with the exception of the Red Sea which is characterized by the limited extension Bkhmulh currents and the lack of it. The beaches Almertvh (surrounded by the mountains of the sides) made a limited impact on the region, as it could spread north-south in Moisat line winds permanent role in reducing the impact of climate and keeps the impact of other water bodies surrounding the Arab world of limited importance, especially with regard to the Mediterranean Sea, as it is located This flat north of the orbit, which means that in the wind, which prevents adverse impact of access within the Arab world.
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